Exercise to improve the functioning of the heart and lungs (cardiovascular system) is recommended for all people. For maximum efficiency and safety fitness pow, cardiovascular exercise has specific instructions about the frequency, duration and intensity.
These are the three important elements of cardio you really need to understand and implement in your program. In addition fitness pow, your cardiovascular program should include a warm up, cool down and stretch the main muscles used in the exercise. Aerobic exercise is any activity that increases your heart rate through the working muscles of the body.
Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart and lungs (cardiovascular). Aerobically fit person can work longer fitness pow, more vigorously and achieve a quicker recovery.
exercise intensity
The aim is to achieve a target heart rate between 60% and 85% of maximum heart rate (220 minus age) fitness pow. Count beats for 10 seconds after you stop exercising and compare with the table below.
3-5 days a week fitness pow. 5 days is recommended for moderate and 3 days for the exercise of greater intensity.
Type of exercise
Continuous rhythmic exercise, big muscles contributes to cardiovascular health. Examples: walking, running, jumping rope, running fitness pow, cycling and swimming. Despite racket sports shorts for not continuously (racquetball, handball and squash courts) may be appropriate if the rest interval is not extended.
Warming up and stretching
A common mistake is stretching before muscles are warm. It is important to stretch after your muscles are warm (after blood has circulated through them) fitness pow. Never stretch a cold muscle. First warm. A warm-up should be done at least 5-10 minutes at a low intensity.
Usually heating is done by doing the same activity as cardiovascular training, but at an intensity of 50-60% of your maximum heart rate (HR max) fitness pow. After heating for 5-10 minutes at a relatively low intensity, the muscles must be hot.
To prevent injury and improve your performance, you should stretch the major muscles used in the warm-up before going to the cardiovascular exercise.
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