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Fitness Perfect - How To Make The Perfect Workout

Perfect Fitness, of Sausalito, Calif., has agreed to pay a $ 425,000 civil penalty for failing to report to the Safety Commission Consumer Products USA(CPSC) as its perfect Pullup was not so perfect.

As required by federal law, companies are required to report to CPSC immediately, within 24 hours, if possible fitness perfect, once they are aware of the defective products. But the CPSC says that the perfect physical condition was not related to the defective gear Pullup perfect exercise for over two years.

According to the CPSC, the company's internal audit in 2008 showed "an unusual number of performance" and a complaint handling broken pullups for your perfect home exercise equipment. After re-test speed fitness perfect, sold sporting goods stores across the country, direct dial the perfect marketing fitness redesigned the product to correct the defect in July 2008.

However, fitness perfect the CPSC says Perfect Fitness was aware of at least 23 product-related injury in March 2010 and posted a notice on its website to inform consumers free replacement handles original handles were "inferior" and could lead to an "accident".

The company did not report the defect to CPSC until December 2010 fitness perfect. At this time, CPSC staff said the company was aware of at least 45 reports of injuries associated with the handles breaking and had received more than 2,000 requests for replacements.

In February 2011 fitness perfect, the company and the CPSC has announced the recall of about 7,000 Perfect Pullups.

In agreeing to settle the matter, Perfect Fitness denies the allegations of the CPSC staff knowingly violated the law.

Perfect to pay $ 425,000 Civil Penalty for not declaring Fall Injury Hazard with exercise equipment fitness perfect[CPSC] Physics

Product Recall Notice: Perfect Pullup handles [Fitness Perfect]

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