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Fitness Stone - Make a plan to achieve your goal

It has been said that Michelangelo set a piece of marble stone every day for months before being beaten. When people stopped to look at him and ask him why he was sitting there, stone fitness no work, he replied: "I work."

After months of being and seeing Michelangelo began to corrode the stone giant. When he was done (apparently years later) the statue of David was complete.

Michelangelo looked at the stone every day for months of planning, visualization of all the steps from beginning to end. He worked in his vision until it is complete, but does not stop there. Once he saw his plan followed through and put stone fitness this plan into action!

Many of you read my blog because you are interested in improving their health or physical. Some of you are out of shape, maybe even in a terrible state stone fitness. Others are in good condition looking to take your body to the next level.

Whatever your situation, we are all stones. It is for you to visualize what you want to become, create a plan, then put that plan into action stone fitness! Michelangelo used these three steps to make your vision a reality.

You can use these three steps to achieve anything fitness stone. Here are simplified.

1. Develop a goal
2. Make a plan to achieve your goal stone fitness
3. Take action and move forward with your plan

I know these steps work because I applied. My goal has recently participated in the first competition. In addition to simply get on stage, fitness stone my main goal was top 3 in my physics class so I qualify for the national event.

I hired a coach with the experience fitness stone and training people nationwide competition (View Team Pitcher).

I put my trainers diet plan and trained to work my ass! fitness stone Once he had on stage was no turning back after Thanksgiving was the only option.

All my efforts were rewarded. I took the second place of 13 competitors in my first concert, not a bad first outing. I reached my goal of placing top 3 and qualify for fitness stone  the national championship.

I have new goals fitness stone now that I'll be competing in my first national competition in Chicago June nth! I applied these steps to prepare for the competition and I will continue to do so until I reach my goal.

Sounds easy, right? fitness stone It can be if you know exactly what you want. If you create a realistic plan to achieve or seek professional help to design your plan.

Finally, fitness stone just as easy if you are willing to do what it takes to work your plan.

Your project will encounter obstacles, will it stop? You will need your project set / adjusted from time to time, are you willing to compromise your plan fitness stone if necessary?

Are you ready to go through, fitness stone even if not several times in the process?

We are all stone waiting to be transformed into a centerpiece fitness stone . For those who have the vision, the plan and determination that will happen.

For those who do not, will be just a stone, fitness stone not knowing what they could become.

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