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Fitness Cacao - Cacao Walnut Protein Balls

I posted my balls ended protein design on Facebook today and I received many emails asking for the recipe!

I made the balls power balls Teresa Cutter based protein-protein, adding some extra ingredients!
These balls of energy protein meals are an excellent source of complete protein containing all the essential amino acids needed for repair and for a healthy immune system, a good source of vitamin E and minerals, almond and fresh dates fitness cacao.

The cinnamon adds a nice flavor and also helps to stabilize blood sugar levels in the blood fitness cacao.

330 g of whole raw almonds or walnuts
60 g of protein powder tasteless fitness cacao. (I'll add protein options based on this recipe) protein raw naked balls

16 fresh dates, chopped (I use Medjool dates)
2 tablespoons cocoa powder (Teresa Cutter uses cocoa powder, cocoa powder but I prefer)
1 tablespoon natural vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon chia seeds
Water and / or coconut oil
Coco, cocoa, cashew roll (I like to use the pistachios) fitness cacao

A little more about the ingredients ...

Protein Powderphoto
I used Garden of Life raw protein is a Raw Vegan Protein Powder organic, but you can use any original powder protein / Natural fitness cacao.
Why proteins?
Always have protein with every meal, especially food, not only because protein provides amino acids that are essential for our health and wellbeing fitness cacao. Protein keeps you full longer and also helps build lean muscle mass will increase your metabolism.

Raw almonds are a great source of protein, but also nutrients such as vitamin E fitness cacao.

Nuts are a great source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, an essential fatty acid that the body can not manufacture. His defense anti-inflammatory, antioxidant protects healthy cells against the harmful effects of free radicals fitness cacao.

The fats in nuts are healthy fats, and nuts are an excellent source of fiber and protein. Therefore, eating nuts helps you feel full and feel satisfied fitness cacao.

Raw cocoa powder
Cocoa powder unprocessed bitter, which are made from cocoa and chocolate, is also a source of antioxidants, amino acids, calcium, zinc, iron, potassium, fitness cacao and one of the best sources of dietary magnesium! Magnesium is a muscle relaxant, so a perfect post-workout ingredient.

It's a little ...
All women who crave chocolate at a certain time every month? As we now know, Cocoa is a rich source of magnesium fitness cacao. This mineral Most of us are deficient in that, of course, also relieves the symptoms of PMS. So next time, try some raw cocoa instead of chocolate processing, as is magnesium that your body is craving!

Fresh dates are absolutely amazing, but you should watch the amount you eat. Although they are natural fitness cacao, are still very high in sugar.

I love cinnamon! Seriously this spice goes with everything and is very good for your health. Cinnamon is a natural stabilizing blood sugar fitness cacao. So nothing to do with the cinnamon around 15:00 this typical slump is a lifesaver.

Chia Seeds
Chia is the richest source of plant-based Omega 3, dietary fiber, protein and antioxidants. We refer to as Chia super full of nature, fitness cacao as it is very rich in nutrients is essential for a healthy diet including Omega 3, fiber and protein intake as well as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Other protein options:
(Click the product name to be directed to the product on our website)
- Rice Protein Protein Certified Organic Ezy
Rice Protein Isolate NHS - fitness cacao
- Sunwarrior Brown Rice Protein (I love this protein!)
- NHS Whey Protein Concentrate (not suitable if you have lactose intolerance)
Protein isolate Whey NHS -

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