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Fitness Ant - Where measuring and monitoring motivate success

I do not like insects - especially not in my space ant fitness. When a mosquito is in the house, I think West Nile and everyone should have a towel, shoes or something and go after it until it is gone fitness ant.

 If I see a spider, ant fitness someone should get the long hose attachment to vacuum to get rid of it (I do not want anyone to approach and jump on them when they try to kill him). And I can not even see a water bug, I get chills and send me the race fitness ant. 

As much as I hate bugs, they rarely react when I see an ant in my house. Maybe it's because they are so small, or the fact that I see regularly away. I do not take breaks fitness ant. Despite its size and appearance of these harmless little creatures can be dangerous ant fitness. 

· Consider strength - an ant can lift 20 times its size fitness ant. 
· Consider your social - when an ant is considered if it is a habitable environment - their friends will come quickly in large quantities. 

· Consider your ability to multiply - a single ant queen can have millions of babies. 
· Consider your laser focus - each ant is focused on a task and will work to death to get it fitness ant. 

Ants can spoil food and destroy structures. They should not be taken lightly fitness ant. 
The same is true of other ANT - automatic negative thinking. The failure of self-statements that cross our mind, and according to the company, can get out of our mouth. 

"I'm always tired!" 
"I am very lazy." 
"I'll never get out of debt." 
"I can not go to school."  fitness ant
"These kids are not going to be fine!" 
"I'm big boned, I can not lose this weight." 
"The economy is horrible, I can not go out on my own." 
"I know this relationship is not good, but I can not go." 
"I can not _______" (fill in the blank) 
"I could never ______" (again, fill in the blank J) 
Etc, etc, etc. fitness ant

How often negative thoughts enter our space (spirits) and give us - or worse tacitly believe. Maybe because we assume that little thought can not affect much fitness ant. 

The Bible warns us against the power of thought. 11:07 pm Proverbs tells us that a man thinker, so is he. Negative thoughts, insects such as ants, they hurt. They multiply and piece by piece, break down and eliminate the fruits that God has given you. They may have a place in your mind fitness ant. 

So how do you get rid of ants? 
Many psychological experts suggest turning the script immediately. Talk immediately to change yourself than negative thinking to a positive value fitness ant. Sometimes this is easier said than done. Especially if the damage is not recognized or treated. 

Philippians 4:6-8 is another process to get rid of these ants. 
Do not worry about anything, but in all circumstances, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, present your requests to God fitness ant.

(7) And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus fitness ant.

Phil 4:6-7 NIV 
In times of a disturbed mind, these Scriptures direct us to God through prayers of thanksgiving. When a negative thought enters telling lies about who we are and what we can do - do not start talking to you fitness ant. First, start talking to God ant fitness. 

God knows the end. He sees the battles won fitness ant, strongholds broken, and its purpose fulfilled. God is our strength. As sons of God, we have to fight against any single battle - not even a battle with our own mind! 

The place that disturbs our mind in their hands fitness ant, thanking him for what he has done and will do (v6). 

Instead of complaining about where we are, thank you Lord, for where He has brought us and where it will lead. Instead of focusing on what is not, fitness ant thanks in advance what is going to bring ant fitness. 

By replacing negative thoughts or concerns with prayer and supplication, grateful, we realize, we connect and we agree with God ant fitness. In response, look what our amazing God's promises. His Word tells us to give you peace (v7).

A peace that passes all understanding fitness ant. A peace to keep and keep our hearts and minds. 

Now, ant fitness with negative thoughts disappeared, and applied the balm of peace, we headed (and power) to fill our mind with uplifting thoughts fitness ant. 
Finally, brothers and sisters, is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything praiseworthy-think about such things ant fitness. Phil 4:08 KJV 

ANTs find their way into the space? Take action: 
1. Pray for awareness and begin to take note of defeating thoughts that cross your mind ant fitness. 
2. When thinking occurs, replace the thought with thanksgiving prayer ahead until you feel the peace of God fitness ant. 
3. Fill your mind with the truth of God and elevated thoughts ant fitness. 
4. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

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