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Magic Fitness - The Magic Of Bodybuilding

ENCINITAS - right illusionist Dana performed before audiences of adults living in places like magic fitness Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas.Still , said he found that some of its most enthusiastic crowds were children , especially when the topic is health and fitness.

At 4 pm on July 17, the Amazing Dana "present" eat well and exercise - If you do, magic fitness then you will have a magical life " in the community room at the Encinitas Library .

The magic show is part of "Reading is so delicious! The theme of the Summer Reading Program 2013 sponsored by libraries of California California with the California Library Association.

During the show, the incredible Dana will recruit young volunteers from the audience to help with card tricks and suggestions for involving animals Fabulous Fred The Flying Fish magic fitness, demonstrating the importance of eating five fruits and vegetables every day - with fish.

"These are the foods of the brain and can help you read minds and have a strong body, which can make it as powerful as escapist Houdini, magic fitness" he said .

Law says he has never been easier to get fat magic fitness, referring to the sedentary lifestyle of today with large portions and processed foods high in calories.

Like everyone else, it was a struggle for him to approach her with a variety of activities including gymnastics, lifting magic fitness, squats, pull ups, pumps, kettle bell, jump roping, swimming and running in the park.

Currently , the law is being prepared for the annual trek along the Pacific Crest Trail that runs from Mexico to the Canadian border.

On August 17, will start the trek across the state of Oregon and Washington for two weeks party . He and his walking partner for many years, who is 70 years old magic fitness, has traveled more than 1,000 miles together.

Law grew up in Los Angeles and said he became a magician at the age of 8 after seeing her father performed a magic trick.

"I learned my first magic tricks in the books of the library magic fitness, " he said, adding that he took up magic as a hobby also be used to build self-esteem. He got his first paying gig at age 14 .

"My father was a Rotarian and club paid me $ 25 to do a magic fitness show for underprivileged children," he said .

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